「歐洲行18Days-英國South Kensington」
1.「Natural History Museum」
I saw a huge line of people waiting to enter the museu. 於是又發揮張家精神到此一遊!but, this museum has a long history and be rich in resources. 而且這裡有四個展館,滿值得帶孩子來。
2.「Science Museum」⋯⋯
My son likes this place very much.他自己就在這裡跑來跑去,最後我們全家等他1人,真的很悶~I had to say sorry for my son that we not have interest.
3.「Victoria & Albert Museum」
這間我們就沒進去 because we were exhausted所以就又是張家精神到此一遊啦!聽說這裡的禮品很好買,如果很喜歡文具的人。
以上這三間museum都是很值得去參觀,Without donating money, their museum frees for everyone.都免錢哦!!!
「歐洲行18Days-London Harrods」
Because it is important, so I need to say three times: ''luxurious, luxurious, and luxurious.'' And ''expensive, expensive, and expensive.''這間百貨公司很值得來~因為這
PS:隔壁就是Harvey Nichols百貨,裡頭衣服很好看,但是我已經被嚇到
「歐洲行18days- London Hyde Park」
It's park offers people many different chances to rest and relax. From it's peaceful lakes and sunny grassland, here has something for everyone looking to enjoy the beauty of nature.
在照片中出現奇景,沒錯circus family coming~~因為這Hyde Park to big,我女兒又不肯走,我們決定租二台單人bike再